Tork Robotik


Wifi to TTL Serial Converter (5V/3V3)

It allows you to connect your device, which is a serial port, to any wireless network or access point. 

Wifi To TLL

Wifi to TLL Converter

Please contact for further information.


You can control the access and user authority of all your devices with the face identification algorithms we use in PassFace application.

Wifi To TLL


Please contact for further information. 

ISM Temp

Low cost temperature and humidity control system operating in the ISM band for small businesses.

Wifi To TLL

ISM Temp

Please contact for further information.

Lora Temp-Humd

LORA-based sensor control system for enterprises with a large number of sensor nodes, where distances between the sensors are remote (1-15 Km). 

Wifi To TLL

Lora Temp-Humd

Please contact for further information.


It is a web application that monitors and controls the energy production of solar power plants. 

Wifi To TLL


Please contact for further information.

Tork Site Management

It is a web application that can be followed up and inform about the vacant and collection transactions of the apartments. 

Wifi To TLL

Tork Site Management

Please contact for further information.

Capra Outdoor Mobile Camping App

One of the things that constitute the spirit of the traveler world is the sharing of experiences. For this purpose, travelers have formed a great idea in the flow of time. Emerging mobile communication platforms offer new opportunities to this culture. Capra outdoor app, which addresses mobile communication platforms, gives travelers the opportunity to experience this culture by sharing experiences. With the Capra app you can take advantage of the experiences of other travelers and you can set new routes for yourself. You can find information about camp sites and places of rest on these routes. The facilities of these accommodation areas are clearly iconographic. The historical places on the routes can be informed about national parks and natural beauties, and fuel and discharge stations can be reached. You can share the landscapes and unforgettable memories of your trip with the location information. You can create hiking, paragliding, water sports activities through our application. Thanks to our application, sailor travelers can use the shared detailed cove information to identify new routes to their boats, and add new bays to the application. 

Wifi To TLL

Capra Outdoor Mobile Camping App

Click here for the application link.

TORKSYS Inventory Tracking and Sales Management System

It is a mobile and web compatible stock tracking application that you can manage your stock tracking and sales operations of your business. 

Wifi To TLL

TORKSYS Inventory Tracking and Sales Management System

Please contact for further information.

Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Results

Our electronic cards that we design and produce are produced in accordance with environmental electromagnetic compatibility. 

Wifi To TLL

EMC Compliance Results

Please contact for further information.

Print Circuit Designs

Wifi To TLL




Wifi To TLL





Web Site Designs

3D Logo Animation

We draw your company's logos in 3D so that you can use them in any kind of visual work.